News & Events

The latest news from our Newcastle practice. (28)

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Why do people have surgery?


People have surgery for many reasons over many different surgical specialties. The better question for me to answer is ‘why do people have plastic or reconstructive surgery?’

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Mummy Makeover?


What is a mummy makeover?

Pregnancy and having children is an exciting and wonderful experience.  We also often have women talk with us about the effects these processes can naturally have on the body.  The areas commonly spoken of include the breasts and abdomen area, including abdominal muscle separation (diastasis recti).

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Your surgical journey with Avery Plastic Surgery


Your surgical journey with Avery Plastic Surgery

Deciding you want a cosmetic or reconstructive procedure and then finding the right Plastic Surgeon and team to support you through that journey can be an exciting and also an overwhelming experience.

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The magic of Christmas


Over the past few weeks I have been thinking about column ideas for the December/January issue.  I thought about various topics focused on rejuvenation, which seemed timely as we see out 2017 and move into a new year.  Then as the Christmas decorations started to come out around Newcastle and my children started to talk about what Santa might bring them, I got to thinking about what the underlying message of Christmas really is.  I imagine this is somewhat different for everyone, but for me it is essentially about appreciating family and community, and the humanity of helping one another with kindness and compassion.  This is the understanding of Christmas I want my children to grow in their minds, and what I would like to talk about in this issue.

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Plastic Surgeon or Cosmetic Surgeon?


Making sure you have the right surgeon performing your operation.

The issue of whether properly trained doctors are performing cosmetic operations is back under the spotlight since the recent death of Jean Huang.  Ms Huang died at the Sydney Medi Beauty Clinic during a breast procedure by an overseas national without any Australian medical qualifications.

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