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The latest news from our Newcastle practice. (14)

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Abdominoplasty Before and After - Journey 13

An abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) is a surgical procedure that aims to reduce excess loose skin, primarily from the lower part of the abdomen or stomach, as well as tightening the remaining skin.

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Breast Reduction Before and After - Journey 15

Breast reduction surgery involves a combination of skin and breast tissue removal and reshaping. The surgery aims to reduce the size and weight of large breasts by lifting the breasts off the lower chest and upper abdomen. The objective is to leave the breasts smaller and lighter, sitting higher on the chest and closer to the body.

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Abdominoplasty & Breast Reduction / Lift Before and After - Journey 1

An abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) is a surgical procedure that aims to reduce excess loose skin, primarily from the lower part of the abdomen or stomach, as well as tightening the remaining skin. A breast reduction aims to reduce the size and weight of large breasts by lifting the breasts off the lower chest and upper abdomen. The objective is to leave the breasts smaller and lighter, sitting higher on the chest and closer to the body.

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Breast Implant Removal + Lift Before and After - Journey 2

Breast implant removal surgery involves surgical removal of existing breast implants, generally through pre-existing scars or through a new incision on the breast.  A breast lift or mastopexy is a surgical procedure to raise and reshape breasts that sit lower on the chest. This is achieved by removing excess skin and repositioning the nipple and areola higher on the chest wall.

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Abdominoplasty & Breast Lift Before and After - Journey 12

An abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) is a surgical procedure that aims to reduce excess loose skin, primarily from the lower part of the abdomen or stomach, as well as tightening the remaining skin. A breast lift (or mastopexy) is when excess skin is removed and breast tissue is reshaped to raise the breasts.

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