COVID-19 Update


At Avery, your health and wellbeing is our #1 priority. With the escalation of concerns surrounding COVID-19, we wanted to reach out and answer some common questions you may have. 

How is Avery preparing for COVID-19?

Dr Avery and the team have an evidenced-based plan in place that is dedicated to minimising the risk of infection, and to proactively support your ongoing health and safety.

Can I still come to my appointment?

If you are coming to see Dr Avery for a consultation or have surgery booked - yes, we are open and ready to welcome you to Avery. We have implemented a few extra hygiene-related procedures for all visitors to follow:

  1. If you have returned from overseas in the past 14 days you must self-isolate, please contact us to reschedule your appointment
  2. If you are showing any signs or symptoms of a cold or flu please contact us to reschedule your appointment
  3. If you arrive at Avery displaying any symptoms of a cold or flu, you will be asked to reschedule your appointment
  4. We have hand sanitiser at the entrance to our Practice, and every person entering Avery is required to cleanse their hands before proceeding to the front desk.  Instructions on how to hand rub are also provided
  5. Our team is ensuring all surfaces that you may come into contact with are cleaned with antibacterial disposable wipes regularly throughout the day, including chairs, the front desk, and door handles
  6. All items that people use whilst at Avery, such as clipboards or pens to complete paperwork, are cleaned with antibacterial disposable wipes after each use
  7. Our EFTPOS machine is cleaned after every use
  8. Avery staff will hand sanitise or wash their hands after each transaction – please don’t be offended!
  9. Our procedure rooms are cleaned between each person
  10. All of our team are trained in hand washing techniques and this is monitored by Dr Avery and Mel, our Registered Nurse.

What are the symptoms of cold or flu that should keep me at home?

If you are experiencing any of the following, please let us know so we can reschedule your appointment: Cough, fever, chills, shortness of breath, or a sore throat.

Will my surgery still go ahead?

We want to assure you that all booked surgery will be going ahead at this stage. The following steps are taking place:

  1. People booked for surgery will be contacted by your hospital and asked extra screening questions before admission
  2. If you feel unwell, we can reschedule your surgery to a time when you feel better
  3. The best way to prepare for surgery is to eat a healthy balanced diet, get regular exercise, sleep well, and try to reduce stress
  4. We are always here to answer any questions you may have
  5. Every measure is being taken to ensure your ongoing health and wellbeing

How do I find out more about COVID-19

The NSW Health website has information about COVID-19. Please access using the link provided:

What do I do if I am feeling unwell?

  • Call your GP
  • Visit the fever clinic at the John Hunter Hospital
  • Call Healthdirect on 1800 022 222

Remember, the main things to do are:

  • Wash hands regularly with soap and water for a minimum of 20 seconds
  • Stay home if you are feeling unwell
  • Avoid touching your face
  • Cover coughs with a disposable tissue and dispose of immediately into a rubbish bin or use the inside of your elbow to cover your mouth and nose

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to reach our friendly team on 02 4002 4150.

Let’s all work together and keep our community well.